

Austin Street

At St. Stephen, we continually put God's love into action through our outreach ministries. For more information contact: office@ststephenumctx.org

Food Distribution
Once a month, we provide groceries for local, food-insecure families.  We also operate an emergency food pantry for times of acute need. Contact - Wini Council

Ewing House
Every month, we make and serve dinner for the residents of AIDS Services of Dallas's Ewing House, which provides affordable housing for those living with HIV/AIDS. Contact - Tina Simpson

Austin Street Center
Four times a year, we serve breakfast to the homeless staying at the Austin Street Center in Dallas. Contact - Paula Humphries

Addressing Mesquite
Once a year, we assist local families with exterior home repair.

Love Thy Baby
In the winter, we collect items for babies in low-income families.